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Private Midwifery Services Gold Coast

Services & Fees

Avenir Life is dedicated to providing continuity of care and homebirth with a known midwife along with Doula support. We believe that this approach creates a strong sense of trust and partnership between you and your midwife, which is essential for a positive pregnancy and birth experience. Let us support you on your journey to motherhood.

Continuity of Midwifery Care
Starting from $5500

Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum care 

Home Birth or Hospital Birth

At Avenir Life we focus mainly on continuity of Midwifery care. Our package details are listed below. 


  • Chosen Midwife who will look after you for your pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey

  • A second midwife present at your homebirth

  • The use our birth pools which will be dropped off to you around 38 weeks 

  • Your midwife will be on call for your birth whenever your baby decides to arrive

  • All blood tests, scan referrals and scripts for medications can be provided by your midwife

  • education provided by your midwife at each visit

  • unlimited phone and text support for the duration of your care


All our Midwives believe in supporting women and their families to make informed choices and will endeavour to make sure they feel heard and supported throughout their care with Avenir Life. 


Antenatal & Postnatal only packages are also available upon request.



Service Details

At Avenir Life we provide midwifery care at home throughout the antenatal period, birth, and for up to six weeks postpartum.


A visit will typically involve checking on you and your baby by performing an abdominal palpation, listening to the baby’s heartbeat, blood pressure checks, and other tests like blood tests will be performed if required at certain stages throughout your pregnancy. During visits your midwife will also discuss any concerns as well as your wishes and requirements for your pregnancy, birth and postnatal period.


We follow the ACM guidelines for consultation and referral, so there may be some situations where it is necessary to consult with another medical professional. If we believe this is required, we will consult with you first to gain your consent.

During labour and birth, our main role is to ensure the safety of you and your baby. We do this by listening in to the baby regularly and completing observations. Labour can present a lot of sensations and occasional challenges, so we will work with you using many different techniques to ensure that you are as comfortable and coping well. We will aim to support you and hold your birth space wherever possible.


As private homebirth midwives we don’t have access to pharmacological pain relief, but we can offer non pharmacological options such as heat packs, TENS, warm water immersion along with other options. Water birth is an option for those women who are seeking it.


It is a professional requirement for us to work in collaboration with your GP and the hospital you are booked into. We will request your consent to share information with your hospital regarding you and your baby’s wellbeing as part of the collaboration process. To meet our professional responsibilities and the requirements of our MIGA insurance policy we are required to work within the framework of the Australian College of Midwives National Guidelines for Consultation and Referral. This guideline lists circumstances in which, if they arise, we might recommend or refer care to a relevant health practitioner or health service during pregnancy, labour, birth or the postnatal period. We will always have two midwives to attend planned homebirths as this is a legal requirement.


Antenatal Care


Initial Chat - This will happen via phone or Video call where you can meet your midwife free of charge. 

Booking in visit (12-13 weeks) - This secures your place with your chosen midwife. A full history is taken and routine antenatal check up is done

16 weeks - antenatal check

20 weeks - antenatal check

24 weeks - antenatal check

28 weeks - antenatal check plus midwifery care plan completed

32 weeks - antenatal check

34 weeks - antenatal check

36 weeks - antenatal check plus birth plan

38 weeks - antenatal check

40 weeks - antenatal check

41 weeks - antenatal check if needed

42 weeks - antenatal check if needed


Birth Support


We ask that you call your midwife once labour has commenced and you would like them to attend. They will be present with you until your baby is born and you are comfortable, settled and have fed your baby and birthed your placenta.


If transfer to a hospital is required, your midwife will stay with you as a support person only. We currently do not have visiting rights to any hospitals so we can not provide clinical care in that setting. 


Please note there is currently no professional indemnity insurance for labour and birth in a home setting for any midwives in Australia. 


Postnatal Care


Postnatal visits will occur on day 1, 3, 5 and 7 after your baby arrives and then weekly until 6 weeks postpartum.


On-call availability


Your fees include on call availability which is 24 hours a day. While your midwife is available at any time we ask that unless it is urgent you try to keep your contact inside of usual business hours.

Our midwives will always try to plan time off around times when a birth is not anticipated. We do this by not taking bookings two weeks before or after a planned holiday period. While we do this, birth is unpredictable and sometimes you may still go into labour when your midwife is on holidays. If your primary midwife is unavailable, we will provide you with a backup midwife for the time your midwife is away.  


Unforeseen circumstances


An appropriate backup midwife will be provided in the event of serious illness, accident, death, or any circumstances in which your primary midwife is unable to attend you.

Avenir Life midwives retain the right to withdraw their services in any situation that arises where we feel our ability to provide safe care is compromised or our own personal safety is compromised. We can provide a referral to another care provider if it is requested.


You maintain a right to cancel our services at any time, however you remain responsible for any fees owing for services already provided.



A non-refundable deposit is paid within 48 hours of booking into our service to secure your chosen midwife and your birth fees must be paid in full by 37 weeks gestation. We require your deposit and GP referral before your booking in visit can happen this will enable you to recieve medicare rebates. You will be sent an invoice after each visit and once paid you will receive your receipt to claim your medicare rebates. Your package fee includes; your midwife on call for your birth, medical equipment, birth pool and all paperwork. TENS machines and any required medications are to be covered at your own expense. You will also be expected to provide any specific equipment you would like for your birth space including towels and sheets.

*Return birth clients will receive a $500 discount on their package.

*Medicare rebates are only available if we have a referral from your GP referral and your medicare details on file.

*You will usually have around 8-10 visits in both the antenatal and postnatal period depending on your needs.

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